Some Life Concerns

The past few months have been really tough for me and I think almost every individual goes through this in his initial stages of career.

I have a job right now but I really don't like this field. I want to change my career and I know what I'm interested in but I don't have any funds to go further on my passion.

No matter how hard I try, it's getting difficult for me everyday to work on something that I don't love.

I'm very often suffering from depression and anxiety these days because of all these thoughts.

I don't know how to explain somebody on this thing. I feel like I really need a break from all this so that I can make a more clearer picture for myself and future but the situations are against me too.

Right now my family is facing a little bit of financial crisis and they're expecting me work so it could be of help.

I really want to do that too but I'm getting mentally effected in a very bad manner.

So I thought I would just pen it over here so that at least it wouldn't all be in me and I would feel a little relieved.

Let's see how things are going to turn out.

Let me know how things worked out for you.

#dowhatyoulove #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #anxiety 
